Negari clinic, as well as operating a normal day clinic, also has a maternity centre, where expectant mothers can come and stay the night so they don’t have to walk to the clinic in the middle of the night. The remoteness of the clinic means there is no power. Prior to the solar system, this meant giving birth by kerosene lamp, as well as the snake bites during midnight trips to the outhouse.
These are now things the mothers no longer have to worry about, according to women interviewed and the clinic sister in charge.
The clinic was selected of the Ministry of Health to receive a solar system kit from Score Against poverty as part of the clean energy program funded by MCC Canada.
Both women are so thankful for the solar system stressing that if this solar system had present before they would not have experienced the incidents that added extra stress and danger during their delivery. The clinic sister Portia Runesu was the last person to be interviewed and she explained that the solar system was making a huge impact on the safety of women in the community.
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